Thursday, December 8

December O.C - Its Going To Be Mad

The O.C is going to be huge this month with 1000 lanners that have already booked. They are expecting a full house this weekend and we will be there to help 'em all stay awake.

We are excited and a little nervous, working the O.C is different from other events in the sense that you don't get much sleep. You are indoors for the weekend and with a 1000 - 1400 people you spin your arse off. We both decided to hire some extra hands for this one so we will be able to cope with the masses. Pressure is on to get the job done and Morningbru will provide a great service this weekend.

If any of you are going to the Lan this weekend come support us at the stall. We have everything you need for a weekend of gaming. You know, excessive SUGAR AND CAFFEINE !

New to the menu
  • Espresso
  • Cappuccino
  • Chococcino
  • Pancakes (assorted flavors)
  • Lammingtons
I am going to do a video on this one to let you guys see how busy it can get .........................mmmmm, I'm thinking time lapse again :) I do love myself a good time lapse.

After the O.C we are doing Noisy Radicals, but more on that next week. have a great weekend !