Thursday, October 13

Week 4 on It's way out - The Village This Weekend!

Week 4 on our new spot --- WORST WEEK EVAR!!!
 So it has been slow here in Stikland and we are sure it must be because its the middle of the month or something. Monday was like a graveyard, then Tuesday picked up a little, Wednesday we were back to normal and today, well, I dunno, lets just say there's still time  :) 


On the bright side we are still doing OK. I suppose when you start doing well in your business you kind of set a bar for yourself and you naturally expect to keep doing well so that you can stay above that bar.

Then reality slaps you around a bit and you realize that things cant always go up and up, you need to fluctuate and give as much as you receive.

On a much MUCH more positive note we will be trading at The Village this weekend. Michelle and I are super keen and we cant wait to get there........... C'mon weekend!

We are still in prepping phase and hope to have tied up most of the loose ends by tonight so that we can get an early start on Friday. We don't want another Organik mission on our hands when we only get there at like 9 pm and have to stumble around in the dark. So prep plan prep plan! that's the way  to do it. The last Village we traded at was epic and we really enjoyed.

Our tent is going into the operating theater today as well, stitching up the damage caused by the ferocious wind at the Heart 104.9 Fm Soccer Day. It's going to be a quick fix her up with some plain old thread and needle. Will be using some of our Village profit to send it to a proper "Tent Person" for some decent patch and repair work. We wouldn't want to see our beloved stretchy go to wreck and ruin.

Good news - Morningbru will have some new signage next week :) Vega Graphics here in Stikland have given us some great prices on a few correx sign boards that we will be using for our events and the side of the road.

I was just busy designing the PANCAKE sign when my version of Photoshop decided to totally flip out..... busy re-installing it as I type. As soon as I am done I will post up the signs to the blog.

Have a groovy day!

1 comment:

  1. Might have a contact for u to get ur tent fixed, will speak to you at village about it thou:) it needs to be sitched correctly or its just gonna tear again
