Monday, September 5

Starting From Scratch.....

This morning was truly like a blast from the past, getting up nice and early brewing some coffee and heading out to the strip. We arrived just after seven with the hopes of selling at least two cups of coffee goodness for our first day back. We realized that we are basically starting from scratch here and it will take time before we can reach the numbers we want.

Today we sold six cups in total and we are totally happy with that. Tomorrow will be even better, well, I hope it will, one guy told us that he was wondering where we went, another pulled out of heavy traffic and chilled with his coffee until the traffic had cleared up. If you ask me that guy was smart, traffic was heavy this morning.

The large cups are working out for us, only one person actually bought a small coffee. The large cup looks impressive and totally kicks the smaller cups ass. If I wanted a cup of coffee I would take the large, no doubt. Morningbru is set to take off and we are excited about so many things at the moment.

I am aching to get a espresso machine so that we can start making all the good stuff. Of course we do need a generator first before we can even think of espresso and that sort of thing, in time I am sure we will get there. Loyalty cards are in the works, so soon you will be able to buy five coffees and get your sixth one free. Once we reach twenty to thirty cups a day we will launch the loyalty card special.

We are back and we are ready to sell some coffee :) 


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