Friday, June 3

Permit Needed! And Cops Dont Like Coffee

Day 10 and everything was moving along awesomely ..... until the cops arrived, again, I mean really now, do cops not like quality coffee?? There were two of the biggest S.A.P.D okes I have ever seen and the way they looked at us, I could tell they meant business.

I was about ready to run when I saw the seriousness on their faces.They asked for my papers and tuned me I was missing my permit to stand there :/ Honestly, I didn't know we needed one at all. I had just assumed it was all sorted in the vending licence etc. I offered them some coffee and they said NO! --- Really, no to free coffee? Maybe they thought we were trying to bribe them with coffee goodness or something :) Apparently our sign was too close to the road. According to them if a car had to break down it would have nowhere to pull over : p C'mon now really...... I could just move it.

All in all they were just plain rude and had a very bullying vibe about them. Too serious if you ask me! There are drugs and murderers on the streets, but they will hunt down vendors trying to earn a buck... weird. I'm sure that the beggars (bless them) that hassle people on the side of the road don't have permits to be there. Why not concentrate on things that actually have a negative impact on our society ???

Our permit is on the way but here's the bad news: it might take up to three months to get to us... That sucks so hard :'( I am going to do everything in my power to speed up the process so that we can be back on the strip to keep building our reputation as Morningbru Coffee...

Ok enough of that .....  we were officially shut down at 09:30 am, but before we had to go we sold six cups of coffee. Thats a good start to any day.

First customer.
We have started promoting the stand as a drive thru coffee.... It is just the right height and it makes for speedy service and quick get-aways.
Peter Smuts getting his fix ;)
These pictures were NOT staged ( no posing ) ....

....... Except for this one ;) Thanks Bru !!
Condensation = Happy
So yeah that's a wrap for today. I hope you all have a safe and awesome weekend!

The Morningbru Team.

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