Thursday, June 2

Tragedy !

It's tragic that I haven't been posting this week --- apologies :) This week has been interesting to say the least, we started out on Monday and sold only two cups -- we were bleak about that but I suppose any business has it's slow days. Tuesday came along and we flogged five cups in total, hoooraah. Then on Wednesday something amazing happened, we sold twelve cups!! Woohoo Today we sold thirteen !! So yeah it's looking good and people are digging it. Thanks for all the support guys we really appreciate it.

The cops showed up today to ask for our licence and well, we kind of don't have one yet so we had to leave:( As soon as we left though I managed to make a quick stop at the municipal offices to sort out the pending vendors licence that I had applied for and if all goes well we should be totally legal tomorrow morning. 

Michelle and I suspect that the pancake guy called the coppers because we were the only vendors that got asked for our permits. Anyways I'm not gonna point fingers but I'm also not gonna trust the pancake guy anymore either. Karma will sort it all out for us :)

It has been a great week so far and we are starting to see progress, hopefully we will reach our twenty cup goal before the end of next week. If it carries on like this I'm sure we will.

Hope all you guys are having an exciting week so far :) Enjoy the rest of your day. The morningbru team will be going out for all you can eat Chinese tonight (I wonder if I will be able to finish a whole one this time) om nom nom!


  1. The pancake guy must. go. down.

  2. Where does the pancake guy live? In his little muffin house?....

  3. What goes around comes around - pancakes are only good for so long (a moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips) and coffee is healthier and EVERYONE needs coffee in there daily lives :)
